Hello, I'm scheduled to take the exam on June 8, I've been out of school since Feb. and have picked up my books a few times. I also purchased the exam package from CCO and yet to take it. I don't feel the school really prepared myself and my class for this exam and I'm wondering what your advice would be to get myself most prepared for this exam to pass. I don't work at this time and on a very strict budget and unable to purchase the Blitz videos. Is there another suggestion to prepare and pass this exam?
Hey guys,
I feel your pain as I am completing my Externship and will taking the test in aug, what has helped me gain confidence, is first Laureens bubble and highlight your cpt, underline key differences, with/ without, including, except, and parenthetical notes. On the guideline pages before sections remind yourself of hcpcs or modifiers that might apply, you can web search quizlet to test your medical terminology, or "whackabone" to refresh your anatomy, I had to beg borrow (not so much steal) to get my blitz and it's worth it's weight in gold!! I will be ordering the practice test, next month. Go to you old instructor see if they offer a boot camp, or moc exam, or can provide you any practice test questions. Spend the next month reading your cpt guidlines, tabbing your books, Laureen has graciously provided free e&m guides, and also a great one for modifiers. If you have the time, I would spend a couple hours a day in your books until your test, and hey go to the free webinars laureen puts on you might just win the blitz! Ther is one tonight at 8 est. good luck!